Wednesday, April 06, 2005



Welcome to the Hub of Hubs. My name is John S. Oliver. I am the founder of an innovative Christian educational nonprofit enterprise named Four Bridges Ministry

Here you are at the central place that links to the various blogs and web sites that I have created over the years. Many of these blogs are collections of links to other web sites. I named many of those blogs with the term Hub. SO this is named the Hub of the Hubs.

This is like my portfolio. If I were a photographer then I would have a selection of my photos to show friends and prospective clients.

Also listed here are some of the projects that under construction. Your prayers are appreciate for the completion of them.

All of these are related to the call of God on my life to create an innovative Christian ministry. The initial products will be quarterly CDs. More about that will be described on a web site that is currently being developed.

The quarterly CDs and associated web site will offer three kinds of services, 1) information, 2) education and 3) networking contacts.

Presently I am transitioning into the initial fund raising phase. As the first few thousand dollars are raised then some of the initial staff will be hired. One of their projects is to explore the many links that branch off from this Hub of Hubs. We will work with consultants and web developers to create user friendly ways for people to browse and call up these sites. There will be ways for users to rank them from one to five stars and write brief reviews. Therefore those who come later will be able to more quickly get to the best parts of the Internet.

So in that context you can consider this as an initial rough draft. Much data is here is a fairly orderly arrangement. But in the coming months and years this will become much more visually appealing and more robust as a tool to explore the World Wide Web.

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